How I Collect Data

            When asked how I collect data and the purpose behind it, I realized that I mostly utilize cloud-based software. Roblyer & Hughes refers to cloud computing as software functions on the internet web and further explains 3that this function alleviates the chore of looking for compatible versions of software to store information (Roblyer & Hughes, 2019).  With that said, I prefer using Google to store my data.  Many schools implore Google Suites [G Suites] apps therefore, as a pre-k teacher, it has become convenient and beneficial to use Google to house data as well as communicate with my parents and guardians.  For example, I use the Google Classroom and invite students using their student emails as a means for parents to have access to the weekly concepts and skills my students are introduced too. At the same time, access to the digital games and enrichments that I’ve created and stored for each investigation and or theme study.    

In addition to the Google Classroom, I store progress notes, work samples and photos of student demonstrations in the Google Drive and use that data to determine the needs, interventions and services for my students. That said, I utilize Google Forms to collect data for transportation, at home extension questions, parent teacher conference sign ups and choice projects that serve as receipts for proof that parents have seen and read what was shared. Overall, Suites work for me, my students and families.



Hughes, J. E., & Roblyer, M. D. (2019). Integrating educational technology into teaching :

          transforming learning across disciplines (8th ed.). Pearson 

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