Thursday, October 13, 2022

EDUC 630 Reflection


          I appreciated technology and utilized resources for my students but had no idea about the International Society for Technology in Education [ISTE] and how it focusses on the framework of how to utilize technology with all standards (Hughes & Roblyer, 2019). I honestly had never heard of the ISTE and found this resource to be empowering and I plan to use the ISTE throughout my teaching a career. With that said, what impacted me most about this course was creating technology and the importance of demonstrating technology as a resource and a process.  The lessons that influenced me the most included the technology assignment lesson, and the infographic lesson.  I will never forget the technology assignment because it was my first time downloading and using screencastify, it was intimidating at first but once I got the hang of it, I was proud of myself. Considering, I realized that I want my students to have that same feeling and experience of demonstrating what they know while ensuring that a transfer of learning is taking place.   The other lesson I worked hard on was the infographic assignment.  I appreciated infographic assignment because I had to research about current and future trends and as a Pre -K teacher, I found this process to be a huge eye opener. I discovered technological concepts I never thought about incorporating in the classroom, therefore I am grateful for having been a part of this classroom community.

            All things considered, my most memorable challenges included creating my blog and posting my videos on YouTube.  The idea of people looking at me and listening to me was scary.  Public speaking comes with the territory of teaching but the thought of other people outside of my school community viewing my thoughts and listening to my voice was overwhelming.  At the same time, I am thankful for the journey I walked through during this course, it made me a better teacher. Furthermore, I look forward to creating games, using my blogs, creating videos and using screencastify to record lessons to bridge the home and school learning space.  I also plan to implement Coding and Bee Bots as they support the needs of my students.  In closing, I am reminded that as a teacher, I need to demonstrate how to embrace change and make the most of every opportunity to learn and become better at what I do.  The Apostle Paul explains best, “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called (Holy Bible, King James Version, 1987, Ephesians 4:1).”  Therefore, I consider this opportunity to become technological enriched, a blessing to help me walk worthy of teaching.



Hughes, J. E., & Roblyer, M. D. (2019). Integrating educational technology into teaching:

          transforming learning across disciplines (8th ed.). Pearson 

Holy Bible, King James Bible. (1987) International Bible Society      




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